ENID Membership

Membership is open to recognized research organizations, centres or institutes, university institutes or departments, government departments or agencies, and other private or public organizations with a recognized track record in in the field of STI Indicators.

Applications for membership need to be submitted in writing to the ENID Governing Board. The Board will decide on membership applications.

Participation does not entail any particular duties and no right with respect to specific activities. However, ENID members have the benefit of being part of an active network and getting the news and announcements via the ENID mailing list.

How to apply

In order to apply for ENID membership please fill in and submit the membership application form.
Membership will be discussed and approved by the ENID board.
In the application, organizations have to nominate an official representative, who also represents the organization in the ENID annual general assembly.
Participation becomes effective with the board decision. Applicants will be informed by the ENID secretary.

Membership fee

At present no membership fee is due.

Members of ENID

AustriaInnovation Systems Department, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna
AustriaJoanneum Research, Graz
BelgiumCentre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) KU Leuven
BelgiumUniversity of Antwerp, Antwerp
Czech RepublicLibrary of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha
DenmarkDanish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Aarhus C
EgyptAcademy of scientific research and technology - Egyptian Science, Technology and Innovation Observatory
EstoniaFaculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Tartu
FinlandFederation of Finnish Learned Societies, Publication Forum, Helsinki
FranceESC Rennes School of Business
FranceEvalHum Initiative
FranceGRETHA Univ Bordeaux and CNRS, PESSAC
FranceInstitut Francilien Recherche Innovation Societé (IFRIS), Paris
FranceObservatoire des Sciences et Techniques, Paris
FranceUniversité de Paris Est, Paris
FranceUTC Compiègne
GermanyCORe - Center of Open and Responsible Research at Berlin University Alliance (BUA), Berlin
GermanyGerman Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Berlin
GermanyMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research
GreeceQPlan International, Thessaloniki
GreeceSYSTASI CONSULTING, Pilaia Thessaloniki
HungaryIKU Innovation Research Centre, Budapest
IndiaDocumentation Research and Training Center, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru
IranNational Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), tehran
IranScientific Information Database (SID), 14515-1415
IsraelSamuel Neaman Institute, 32000
ItalyCNR-IRCrES, Rome
ItalyDepartment of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome
Korea, Republic ofKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Seoul
LatviaLatvian Council of Science, Riga
LithuaniaVisionary Analytics, LT-03155
NetherlandsAmsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), Amsterdam
NetherlandsCentre For Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, Enschede
NetherlandsCentre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) University of Leiden, Leiden
NetherlandsElsevier, Amsterdam
NetherlandsNIDAP Research Netherlands, Àmsterdam
NetherlandsUNU-MERIT, Maastricht
NorwayNIFU, Oslo
PolandInternational Centre for Decision Sciences and Forecasting, Progress & Business Foundation, Kraków
South Africa Human Sciences Research Council, Cape Town
SpainCybermetrics Lab. IPP-CSIC, Madrid
SpainINGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Valencia
SpainResearch Institute for Higher Education and Science, University Carlos III of Madrid
SwitzerlandCentre for Organisational Research, University of Lugano, Lugano
UgandaUganda National Council for Science and Technology, Kampala
United KingdomDiamond Light Source Ltd, Harwell
United KingdomHunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
United KingdomManchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester
United KingdomScience and Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, Brighton
United KingdomTechnopolis Group, Brighton
United KingdomUniversity of Bristol, Bristol
United KingdomUniversity of Exeter, Exeter
United States of AmericaArizona State University, Phoenix